Welcome To Co-Create
A place for visionary minds who will be the architects of the future, to grow, collaborate and co-create. The Re-Evolution is here, and your day is today to stand and deliver your potential to the world.

AI & The Future of Work
Lawyers, doctors, IT workers, finance, insurance, accountants, bankers, transport, manufacturing, it will all go, simply because all these roles — in fact the majority of human activity — is process driven, and in terms of the future of work, any aspect of human activity that is a ‘process’ will be automated very rapidly now.
So you might rightly ask “What will humanity do?” We from Co-Create A Better World and the Council For Human Development focus on the future. Be part of it! (Download: The Future Of Work, CHD 2022)
Mind Acceleration
Mind Acceleration is essential for all employers and employees in order to increase productivity and innovation, to stay competitive within the 4th and 5th industrial revolutions of digital technology and human tech.
Mental Acceleration is the move from process-subservient, convergent left-brain thinking into advanced states of hemispheric synchronization and flow, utilizing theta and gamma brain waves for advanced communication, confidence, creativity and agile thinking.

Become A Co-Creator
Join our Community of Co-creators, take part in our daily polymathic trainings and make a living by supporting others!
By engaging in polymathic training on a daily basis, we change the structure (neuroplasticity) — the platform of the mind — to run new programs of increased levels of confidence, creativity and communication.
The MindGYM App, Courses and Memberships
The only thing that is limiting you is YOU, so if you are not actively programming your brain, well then ask yourself – WHO IS?
Download our app and explore our online courses as a first step into the future of humanity, to realise your full potential and GO GAMMA.

Personal & Professional Training
Whether it is for your personal development, your own career or your business, this life-changing training is for everyone who would like to develop their skills such as communication, confidence, entrepreneurial thinking, flow-state and creativity – the future skills every human needs to master.
3-month professional One-to-one training incl. 9 month mentoring and the option to join as Partner of The Council For Human Development (CHD) a worldwide operating Swiss NGO.
Books & Audio Books
Our books and interactive audio books offer the perfect start to dive into the different areas about the Future of Work, Mind Acceleration, Agile Thinking and Consciousness in your own time.
Find your answers, improve your self-identification, get rid of negative thought and explore the S.C.I.E.N.C.E.S. of your unknown universe.

Join CHD as Trainer & Partner
If you feel there is more to life than you may currently be aware of and would like to explore this further, or always wanted to make a difference in society join our worldwide operating team of partners and trainers of the Council For Human Development.
As a Swiss NGO of social entrepreneurs we operate on a global level through the training partners of our association, providing extensive consciousness awareness programs in agile thinking, to prepare people mentally for the challenges they will face over the coming decade and beyond.
What's next?
Find out
Find out more about Mind Acceleration and why it is the key to the future.
Check out our Memberships & Programs in Mind Acceleration and Flow State.
Book a
Schedule a first exploratory call with one of the co-creators to explore further options.
Find out more about the Council for Human Development and their mission to co-create a better world.